– Born in Tulsa Oklahoma – Her family moved to Oklahoma City when she was an infant. – Lived in Kansas City Missouri and Independence Missouri for ten years. – Attended Kansas City Art Institute, OCCC in Oklahoma City, University of Central Oklahoma, and Phillips Theology in Tulsa Oklahoma with a Masters of Divinity and continuing for her Doctorate. – Worked in Kansas City Missouri as an Advertising Artist. – Owned Peggy’s Arts and Crafts and taught art lessons with more than 65 students. – Founded Mid-Del Art Guild in 1973 with the support of her students. – Opened Whispering Willows Art Studio in 1981. – Selected to show in the Festival of Arts in Oklahoma City several years. – Judged large and small juried art shows. – Published quarterly Mystery magazines and distributed them nationwide. – Wrote a syndicated newspaper column distributed nationwide. -She discontinued Whispering Willows in 2001 when she began serving in the ministry as Sr Minister that continued for sixteen years. Peggy retired March 1, 2017. – She had a Sunday morning half-hour radio ministry on 1050 AM called Living in the Presence of God. – She is a member of Territorial Tellers, storytelling organization. – Peggy reopened Whispering Willows Art Studio and Living in the Presence of God ministry. In the 1970’s and 80’s her consignments for painting drilling rigs for corporate offices from photographs she took on site made her art well known for her endeavors. Her artwork is in collections of many Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana Oil Industry corporate offices.